Recent News & Announcements

Summaries of recent news items are listed below. To read the entire news item, click the Read More links.

jRate and Released   2006-09-02 23:54 - jRate
Stable version and beta version of jRate are both now available for download. jRate is an extension of the GNU Java (GCJ) compiler front-end and runtime library which adds support for many of the features required by the Real-Time Specification for Java (RTSJ), including threading constructs with real-time constraints, asynchronous event handling, and memory regions. jRate was initially developed at Washington University in St. Louis, and it is released under the GPL (but including the usual GCC exception that non-GPLed programs may be compiled and linked with it).
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Subversion Migration   2006-07-15 10:30 - jRate
The jRate project has migrated to using a Subversion repository. Anyone with a CVS checkout may want to review the Subversion access details at <http://sourceforge.net/svn/?group_id=126338> or browse the repository at <http://svn.sourceforge.net/jrate>. All new development will go on in the Subversion repository, CVS is no longer used for jRate.
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Release on schedule for early September   2005-08-23 06:34 - jRate
The next release of jRate, version 0.4.0-3.3.3, is on schedule for an early September release. Only a few remaining bugs need to be squashed. CVS should be fairly stable now, if you're interested in getting a preview. New features include raw/physical memory access, admission control, priority inheritance/ceiling, thread memory allocation limiting, heap checks on the source compilation path, shared thread parameters, HighResolutionClock implementations for additional architectures, several bugfixes, and increased RTSJ compliance.
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New features coming soon   2005-08-09 00:42 - jRate
The next few months will be exciting ones for the jRate project. The next release (hopefully later this month) will be jRate 0.4.0-3.3.3, and will incorporate many new features from the 0.3.8 beta releases.
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jRate and Released   2005-08-06 13:11 - jRate
Stable version and beta version of jRate are both now available for download. jRate is an extension of the GNU GCJ compiler front-end and runtime system which adds support for most of the features required by the Real-Time Specification for Java (RTSJ), including threading constructs with real-time constraints, asynchronous event handling, and memory regions. jRate was initially developed at Washington University in St. Louis, and it is released under a license similar to GCC's GPL license (which allows for non-GPLed programs to be compiled and linked).
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::Upcoming Release::

The next stable jRate release will be jRate-0.4.0-3.3.3, based on GCC-3.3.3. There will be a number of improvements and additions in this release. Among them:

  • Sharable and dynamically-updatable thread parameters objects
  • Memory-reference checks for NoHeapRealtimeThreads
  • Memory area allocation rate and cumulative allocation limiting via MemoryParameters
  • Raw and physical memory classes
  • Per-object and system-wide MonitorControl policies: priority inheritance and priority ceiling
  • Support for dropping root privileges after program is running
  • Improved scope-awareness of some standard Java library classes
  • Minimal feasibility analysis
  • Bugfixes in the compiler and runtime
  • Increased RTSJ spec-compliance
  • Some build process improvements
  • Some new demos included to test new features
::RTSJ-mandated reference checks::

Reference store checks are now emitted for .class-to-object and .java-to-object compilation paths and may be disabled with -fno-scope-check.

Heap access checks are emitted for the .class-to-object path in the current beta, and will also be supported for the .java-to-object path in the upcoming stable release. These checks may be disabled with -fno-heap-check.

19 Dec 2004 jRate is now hosted on SourceForge.net
28 Feb 2004 jRate 0.3.4-3.3.2 is available for download
29 Oct 2003 RTJPerf 0.1.1 is available for download
28 Oct 2003 jRate 0.3.4-3.3.1 is available for download
3 June 2003 jRate 0.3.3-3.3-rc is available for download
21 May 2003 jRate has now two associated mailing lists
29 Mar 2003 Started a major refactoring of the GCJ memory sub-system
26 Mar 2003 Started the development of the jRate Utils
25 Mar 2003 JTRES: Upcoming RT-Java International Workshop
10 Feb 2003 Reflective Middleware '03 Deadline is approaching...
8 Feb 2003 Available new paper on Scoped Memory Optimization
18 Jan 2003 I (Angelo) Moved to the Washington University!!!
29 Nov 2002 jRate Available for download
26 Nov 2002 Updated jRate patches to work with GCJ 3.2.1
19 Nov 2002 jRate v0.2.2 has been released. This release introduce a native implementation of the Scope Stack.
16 Oct 2002 Updated jRate patches to work with GCJ 3.2
18 July 2002 jRate alpha version is available for download
11 July 2002 jRate alpha version will be available for download on July 18th.
6 May 2002 Added API documentation for jRate (follow the Home->Documentation link)!
Last modified 15 Jul 2006 / xhtml1 / css2